Events & News
Academic years 2024/2025, 2023/2024
Below are the events (seminars, talks, conferences, etc.) in which I am involved or especially interested.
Conflict and Cooperation: Letters, Social Networks and Religious Controversies in Late Antiquity (300-700 AD), Göttingen
My paper: „Late Antique Letters as Tools of Publishing, Transmission, and Critique of Books (Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome)”
The Scholarship of Polish Historical Mission of NCU at the Julius and Maximilian University in Würzburg
A 15 day research stay in Würzburg funded by the scholarship of Bayerischen Staatskanzlei on the theme: „Book circulation and other intellectual practices in the letters of Augustine of Hippo„.
International Conference of Medieval Canon Law, Canterbury
I am having a talk titled „Buying the gift of God: payments for clerical ordinations and promotions in the canons of the Visigothic councils”.
Presentation of early printed books in the Library of Elbląg
A presentation of selected valuable volumes from the historical collections in the Library of Elbląg within the 2024 edition of the Long Night of Museums.
Classical workshop at NCU
The Department of Classical Studies at NCU organizes every year a three-day classical workshop for the participants of the GIFTED Programme of Polish Children’s Fund. This year’s topic: „The Decline and Fall or the Other Antiquity? The meaning of the story about the End of the Roman Empire” when we focused on Edward Gibbon, Jacob Burckhardt, Henri-Irénée Marrou and Peter Brown.
Ewa Wipszycka Late Antique Seminar, Warsaw
I am having a talk titled „Priesthood, Christian discipline and orthodoxy in the Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum. More information on the seminar’s website.
Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum: The Text in Its Context
I am giving a paper on the conference „Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum. The Text in Its Contexts” organized by University of Fribourg, Swietzerland, titled: „Optimum sal. the ideal of priesthood and the perspectives on Christian discipline and orthodoxy in the Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum”.